I is sad..
Laptop aku kne curi..
Tempat kejadian : blok 1
Tarikh kejadian: 24 November 2013 [hari utk show koir mlm ke-2]
Hari: Ahad
Masa kehilangan: 4.00a.m - 8.00a.m
Ye.. Time tu aku tgh tido.. Aku org last skali tido time tu [maybe] sbb bilik lain sume dah gelap.. Aku syak sorg je.. Tp xde bukti.. Aku syak sbb die sorg je yg tdo lambat.. Plus dgn cerita tambahan kak ina, tuduhan aku makin kuat..
Kat rumah tu ade budak german yg twinning UM.. Afiq.. Dan ade lg insan2 laen yg aku x sure nama die.. Batch bwh aku..
Kesian aku.. Xde sape amek kesah.. Aku taw mmg salah aku.. Sbb x kunci bilik time tdo.. But x sangka la plak kan.. Ade org luar nk masuk rumah tu subuh2 hari plak tu.. Bilik2 laen sume pon x kunci gak.. X tutup siap.. Leptop sepah2 cmtu je..xde plak kne sebat.. Kalau org lua, baek la die da sebat sume bnde skali gus alang2 masuk kan.. Plus, hostel laki kot.. Xkn org luar berani masuk la.. Laki kan timing tdo x tentu.. Da la ramai dlm rumah tu.. For sure org lua x brani masuk.. Silap2 kne tibai kalau kantoi.. Ni mmg kje org dlm.. For sure... Sbb aku rasa da kne target.. Sbb aku ade ckp aku nk blk isnin tu.. Tensyen.. Sbb org salahkan aku jugak walau bnde da jadi.. Bkn bg penyelesaian.. Tapi tekanan..
Kepada pencuri.. Kalau betul lah kaw student ipba, "aku doa kaw x grad!"
Bunyi mcm kejam, tp tu la yg sewajarnya.. Sbb sbagai student jgk n bakal ckgu, ko patot taw mcm mne pentingnya laptop tu.. Seb baek hari tu da setel file MQA sampai sem 5.. Kalau aku yg kne audit? X menggagau.. Tp syg. Semua report, gambar, lesson plan, worksheet, assignment, lagu, video, surat2.. Haiih.. Lebur camtu je la.. Aku x kesah kaw nk amek laptop tu sbb aku bley beli baru.. Just bg blk je Drive D aku je.. Ingt berapa GB dah aku abez nk donlod lagU2 n mv2 tu? Now nk kne kumpul from scratch!
Paling aku terkilan, aku bru je transfer all pictures since the first day aku beli fon ni.. And aku da delete dlm fon ni sbb memory full.. 16gb je.. What do u expect kan.. Kenangan sume tu.. Mane nk beli? Hopefully ade la kat icloud.. Arghhh stress!!
Sem dpn nk prac.. Bnyk duit nk pakai.. Maybe aku beli laptop yg second hand je kot.. Mne nk cekau ntah.. S
Monday, December 2, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
A Tenor
I am one of the members for Koir Kebangsaan Malaysia.
I sing Tenor line.
I am nervous.
Our concert will be on the next weekend..
It will be at MaTiC
actually, i really hope that any of my family members could come and watch me performing.
this is something special for me and i want them to see.
another side of mine.
but then, my dream will never come true.
i know.
I am sad.
coz the date was being postponed..
the concert supposed to take place on 21 October 2013.
all my friends now are on their holidays.
i was planning to bring along my friends to this concert.
coz i want them to see me performing.
represent my family.
but now,
all of them are now dancing happily in their hometown.
maybe xde rezeki diorg nk tgk.
come on eizhar.
u must strive even no one is around.
i have started my semester break.
bye2 semester 6.
u have given me a lot.
u strike me hard.
hey sem 7.
a new chapter will begin.
koir kebangsaan,
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Kebiasaannye aku sedar..
Tapi kekadang lupe tentang kenyataan sebenar..
Bile sekali ditampar..
Barulah terdampar..
Dunie ni mudah kan..
Sekelip mate pon boleh berubah..
Bise tamparan tu, sekejap je..
Gosok2 sikit.. Hilanglah bise..
Macam tak pernah jadi ape ape..
Hidup sekarang dah dewase..
Mental terok bekerje..
Fizikal pulak hanye mendengar kate..
Tapi takpe..
Aku nampak jalannye..
Berani tak berani je nak cube..
Aku takot..
Sekali aku kelip..
Bende masih ade..
Sekali lagi kelip..
Lenyap semuanye..
Sebab itu saje jalannye..
Suke atau tidak..
Aku yang kena pilih..
Monday, November 4, 2013
Eizwan Bin Idris
u got Abah's face..
that hidung is the signature.. hehe
i miss u along..
wish u were here..
take charge of abah's place..
kenapa along pergi dulu?
kalau along ada sekarang mesti family kite x jadi mcm ni..
org x mampu long..
org x kuat..
Eizwan Bin Norhakimah
11 April 1980 - 3 November 2000
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
k a t a
Old Town White Coffee Bangsar South |
word is just a word.. but it has meaning..
it changes our life.. like it or not...
it might not be meaningful to u..
but it might be for another..
we praise
we lie
we sweet
we goodbye
it's a silent weapon that
sting u like a bee
bite u like a mosquito
cut u like a razor
hit u like wrecking ball
careful with ur words.
it might change ones life.
be careful.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
what happen?
where da heck did all the pictures gone?
the link is broken?
i thought it'll be there forever...
y la blogspot? all the links on the pictures on my previous post have broken.
so sad
Saturday, September 28, 2013
This is
happy face
but somehow there are few more layers on that face that have not been exposed. since abah sakit. Mak mmg 100% on Abah. sometimes mak ada tanya khabar. tiap kali call mak, nk luahkan something... tp x jadi luah sbb terkenangkan cukuplah ape yg mak tgh hadapi.. bila mak tanya
mak: "mcm mne practicum?"
me: "alhamdulillah.. budak2 ok,, cikgu pon best...xde la kne buli sgt"
mak: "sehat x?"
me: "sehat.. ok je.. batuk sikit2 je.. biasa lah.. cuaca x menentu..."
mak: "ha... jaga kesihatan tu.. minum air masak bnyk2...balik minggu ni?"
me: "hurm.. ingt nk blk.. tp tu lah.. ade skolah ganti..."
mak: "ouh.. ha, xpelah.. nnti ko abez practicum, balik la.."
me: "mesti.. hehe.. abah cmne?"
mak: "abah ko, td batuk2........(bla bla bla). ....................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
me: "ouh... ha,, tu lah,, nnti org blk...mak tu pon,, jaga diri leklok,,mak sakit kang, susah pulak..kem slm kat yang laen"
mak: "ha.. ye lah.."
padahal sebenarnye nk luahkan mcm ni:
mak: "mcm mne practicum?"
me: "penat mak... asyik ngantok je kat skola.. tdo lambat buat kerja tu,,ini,,, pastu ade sorg cikgu kat skola ni,, haih... suke no suroh org mcm2.."
mak: "sehat x?"
me: "org demam la mak.. ni ha,, batuk, selsema bagai... sakit tekak gak nih... da dekat 2 mggu x ilang2.. kalau org kat umah, bley gak gi klinik ngan mak... org x suke nk gi klinik kat sini.. sbb sorg2.. malas.. at least kat umah, mak teman.. lagi satu, org ade benjol kat bwh lutut ni da 2 minggu x ilang sbb berlaga ngan member.. ingatkan biasa je,, tp x surut2.. pastu ni hah, ankle, bru je terpeleot tadi mase tournament volleyball.. dlu kne yg kanan,, now yg kiri... haish..pastu ni event kat maktab lps ni ......................bla bla bla....................................................................................................."
mak: *bebelan risau
sbb tu lah,, lately ni, saya bnyk diam.. kdg tu bkn xnk share ngan member2.. member2 pon ade bnyk problem nk tanggung.. tp skali skala share, rasa lepas la ckt kan...
insyaallah, i'll be more independent.. bkn ape,, kadang2 tu saja nk manja2 ngan mak,, cite itu cite ini.... mmg saya anak manja,, kalau bkn anak yang nk bermanja ngan mak,, sape lg kan....
#notakaki: tahniah Vol4t.. we got 2nd place this time! insyaallah next time akan lg better...
Monday, September 9, 2013
b e . n i c e
sad rite?
when all ur hard-works are being
nvm. i still have friends
who believe in me.
might be a joke
but its none for me.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
hey.. I Miss You.
hey mom..
i miss you..
really really much..
Insyaallah i'll make u proud one day..
i know ur priority is abah now..
u r the iron lady mak..
hey sis!
I miss u too..
we r the only bachelor and bachelorette in Noris family.
thanx for being there when i need u the most.
Insyaallah, u'll find ur Hero one day..
for the time being.. let me be urs.. :)
please don't leave me like the others did when once the wedding ring is placed.
I love u both.
thanx for being there through my ups and downs.
i know.
our family is not like the others.
when something is not right
i'll keep it to myself.
both of u
had enough of burden to be carried.
and i,
i'll try to live to the fullest.
despite all the sorrow that sometimes hit me hard.
i'll be strong.
i sleep.
i sing.
i eat.
it helps me a lot.
speedy recovery.
one thing i need you to know.
i love you forever.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Eid Mubarak 2013
salam Eid Mubarrak
Maaf dipinta andai
mulut ini sentiasa
termuntah kata celaan
yang bisa mengguris hati teman
tercuit kedua belah tangan
yang kurangnya perhatian
muka ini kerap
tercebik wajah tomahan
yang sering menjengkelkan
gigi ini senantiasa
terkunyah segala rezeki
yang terhidang di depan mata
mata yang sering leka
tentang keperibadian
ehwal manusia
kaki yang sering alpa
ketika terkuis walau
sekelumit cebisan kulit taulan
hati yang sering meronta
mengherdik diri
tatkala jiwa ini berantakan
akibat perihal yang kecil mahupun besar
saya hanya insan biasa yang sering melakukan kesilapan
andai kata ini Syawal terakhir...
maka ini lah Syawal yang paling bermakna buat saya..
Khas utk: Abah, Mak, Kakak2, Rakan2 karib, Sahabat Handai yang mengenali insan bernama
Eizhar Bin Idris
#notakaki: Saya bangga dengan vocab BM saya :)
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Teacher Much?
cikgu yg expressive |
its been a while kan..
tgk gambo tu taw2 je la kan.. tgh practical skrg ni.. phase 2... this time around, ada language art.. padahal previous prac pon buat language art jgk tapi x kne assess seperately..
smlm kne observe.. language art dgn Kak Saidah... bersyukur rasenye dpt 3 Tekun tu.. walaupon dlm kelas tu dari bijak-kurang cerdik tu pelbagai, tp bile language art, semua tewas di tgn ckgu yang expressive nih.. hehe.. alhamdulillah... Kak Saidah kata,
"u have the vibe of and English teacher"
"I like ur accent and how you speak"
"i can see the pupils here love u much"
mungkin sume tu jadi mcm tu sbb bile start je mengajo, dlm otak ni x brain pon tgh kne observe.. totally abaikan si-penentu-masa-depan yg kat belakang tu.. niat mmg nk bagi budak paham je.. dlm bnyk-bnyk, mmg org kata WHILE stage is harder than the preparation n reflection.. peluh-peluh nk kasi bdk paham walau satu perkataan je pon.. lecak bak ang..
tadi kne observe lagi...
kali ni dgn pensyarah...
dgn mdm Ooi.. gembira sbb segalanye brjalan lancar.. tapi cuak.. sbb kne maintain.. so far,, masih di atas ladasan yang betul.. alhamdulillah.. mungkin berkat mendidik masa bulan puasa kot...
btw,, besok last day,, then cuti !! nk balik segamat weyh !! hehehe :D
Saturday, June 29, 2013
sometimes... i just don't understand... this boy was in a class and couldn't pick up a call.. then he text back the other party by asking what is wrong... she said 'nothing' where the boy knew that something is not right... then he called back.. and she didn't pick up... then he send a text with the word 'haih' there...after a few hours, she called back for just about 5 seconds.. that boy about to pick up and she hung up.. see that circled word? she interpret is differently... i kinda lost here.. did u girls just simply jump into conclusion ? what's wrong with that word? mmm... i think i need to be more careful in my choice of words after this...
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
hey Semester 6!
![]() |
feeling educated |
all hail semester 6 ! another 3 more papers for this semester.. luckily there is no EDU.. :) but we have persatuan instead.. blergh~all the best for another 2 month practicum.. pray hard people.. if one month practical, they torched us for replacement class until 4pm.. imagine the replacement for another 2 month practical.. *sigh... gud luck also for the upcoming examination result in few days time... lastly,, i miss u guys. ceh~
another 3 more semester to go and i'm off to Alam Pekerjaan....
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Second Chance
i''m currently reading a novel called "KELABU" to fill my semester break.. yeah.. 3 weeks without seeing any IPBA's friends.. anyway.. in that novel, i've come across these words..
second chance
do you believe in second chance ? i do believe in second chance.. i dunno.. yeah, people make mistakes.. its up to us whether to forgive or not.. most people choose to forgive but not to forget. i'm one of it.. it all depends on the situation and that particular person.. if someone who's very close to me, i somehow will give him/her the second chance for the sake of friendship.. as far as what i've gone through, its hard to built a concrete friendship.. thus, it goes the same to break it... refer to the saying up there.. i still remember what my friend said.. if we literally hate that somebody, just think about what he/she have done best for us.. coz we don't even know if one day, there will be a turn over.. hate is a strong word tho..
well, back to the second chance thing, in that novel, the hero is a very handsome man who loves photography, anak dato' and turn to be a player after his heart was broken into pieces.. the hero refused to give his ex a second chance.. even the ex has change to a better person.. well, as human, he still have that sekelumit feeling towards his ex.. it just that the anger,pride and ego which prevent him from accepting the second chance..
at first i was about to agree coz yeah.. dah kne buang kan.. watpe nk terhegeh-hegeh blk kan? i believe that we don't live by the pass kan.. reflection is a must but moving on is supposed to be the forte rite.. same goes when we we are driving.. which one is easy ? making a u-turn or just take the simple turn?
again. come to think of it, everyone makes mistakes.. most of the time we decided to live with the mistakes. sometimes, we're given a room to turn back and correct what was wrong. there is no shame in turning back especially when living in regret and guilt is too hurtful. thus, giving others the second chance is like a golden moment of one's life.. for example, in a singing competition, u r being kicked out during the first round bcoz u cracked ur voice while singin', then, somebody who is still in da competition pulling back and the producer offered u to be in da competition again.. i'm sure u r going to better than the first round right? u won't spoiled the second chance rite?
if the first one went wrong, obviously there's room for improvement. that is the concept of second chance. what i think? forgive is a must.. forget is a choice...
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Happy 100th Post !
Saturday, May 18, 2013
FoodPorn.... PORN?
baru-baru ni org ada terbaca article pasal sape-sape yang suka amek gambo makanan n upload dilabel sebagai pesakit mental... mase tu, cam tekejot jgk la sbb tgh trending kan.. x gitu Harith Iskandar ? hehe..sesedap lemak ammar je kan die tulis article tuh.. sbb ade feedback daripada researcher yang mengkaji pasal sakit mental nih..xde kne mngene okeh order makanan-------->makanan sampai-------> snap picture---->upload----->GILA
mane connection nye ? kan.
kalau nk baca, go to this link... ArticleTakMental
As for me, biarlah org nk amek gambo tu, upload dlm instagram ke, facebook ke, coz it will be kept as memories.. who knows kan lepas ni dah xde lagi makanan2 yg mcm ni since dunia da makin maju ni kan... sok ntah2 makanan sume dlm bentul pil je,,
"bapak x best!"
so, now, i'm gonna promise myself to take more picture to be kept as memories.. macam gambo kat atas ni sebut la kan.. hehe.. kalau boleh, mmg nk cuci gambo2 ni dari letak dlm laptop je kan.. bile crash, segala bende sume ilang.. so bile cuci, at least bile ternampak tuh,, trus terkenang.... haha.. sbb kite x taw, at least bley la tunjuk kat anak cucu, yg dlu makanannye mcm ni.. now(2040) da xde lagi da.. sume bijirin je.. ahah.. mcm parents kite slalu eksyen ngan kite la.. kata dlu kat sini ade taman bunge cantik tmpt mak ngan abah dating dlu... cewah.. so, these are few pictures of food yang maybe da xde 2050 nnti? haha...
ikea meatballs...
#ayamgoreng #ayamlemakciliapi #sayurcampur #cookedbyme
#ayamblackpeppermasakcendawan #telursambal #cookedbyme
#daimchoccake #arieq'sbirthday
hehe.. tetap jugak nk guna #hastag kan... and one more thing.. mcm x paham jap knpe org tiap kali upload pic makanan n die tag #foodporn..
tau la food tu sedap n porn tu pleasure... xkan makan sambil fefeeling lyn porn kot ? hahaha... mcm x suits kan coinage tu.. ape2 pon.. suke aty diorg la kan..
"insta mereka.... hidup mereka"
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Happy Teacher's Day !
I'm proud to be a Primary School teacher.
bcoz u can be like this............
i dunno i should be proud or mad... beyond madness.. lol
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
congrats !
twitter: RafiqahRamli
UiTM Segamat.
Diploma in Business Studies
pre-grad B.A Hons Business Administration Finance
my closest friend in High School Segamat
facebook: Ilyasa Syun Ilyas
Vanderbilt University of Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Best Student Batch 08 High School Segamat
twitter: Ieqa Hamzah
Politeknik Merlimau Melaka
Diploma in Accountancy
Dean List Student
currently studying : B.A Hons Business Management, UUM Sintok.
Best Buddy in High School Segamat
this boy ?
tetibe teringat ayat mak..
"Mak: Kaw grad bile?
Me: Mei 2015 kot....
Mak: Lambat nye lagi... ntah sempat ke tak mak nk nengok..
Me: ....................."
(isyaallah mak.. org sentiasa doakan mak panjang umur)
most of my friends up there at least they already have their scroll... at least, something happen to our education system, they have their security.. me ? insyaallah,, kita doa sama2 ok...
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Grade does matter...
well, as you can see.. this is the classification of my qualification for my program in IPG...
dahsyat kan.. I'm still not really sure whether I really can achieve the Second Class Upper coz it seems blurry.. haha.. biasa lah.. sbb blaja maen2.. actually, to be truth, most of my friends, we really nailed our coursework seems the exam is going to be toughed. IPBA is tough u know... seriously, try to register in my Maktab and try TESL to be exact n u'll see the difference..
anyway.. Alhamdulillah, i just finished my practicum phase 1 and a lot to be told but i like to do it verbally..so nk borak, kne face to face,, bnyk sgt nk type nnti.. haha.. biasa lah... bdk baru belajar.. gossip bnyk ckt... pasal guru pembimbing la,, lecturer la,, skolah la.. hehe.. sbb excited.. tu je sbnrnye... hehe.. Alhamdulillah once again,, i guess it went well for me and the marks given was not too bad.. syukur... :)
take a look at the grading and the pointer.... yeah.. today i just got another feedback regarding my coursework for the subject Managing ESL Classroom by Mano.. my assignment was being moderated and luckily the marks does not differ much. i'm happy with what i've got..
Yesterday, another feedback was given by Kak Yan and Alhamdulillah, all my team members got A's for the course since our Jack and The Beanstalk was a triumph... so, it will makes my pointer a little bit secure for the time being.. coz i dunno what's gonna happen to my exam result later. when the time comes, it will be answered.. hehe.. for now, doa je la bnyk2....
the sad thing is, i've got B+ for my Linking Theory To Practice coursework. I reflected back, i think, i deserve that.. Alhamdulillah once again...at least x fail or lesser than that kan.. by looking at the effort done and the production, i deserve that.. org laen punye teaching aids mmg gedabak awesome la kan.. they deserve an A.. no doubt.. but just terkilan ckt je coz my another 2 mates, they got an A for this subject.. left me behind.. i should have struggled more and be in the same boat with them.. another view, i guess biasa lah.... my tutorial classmates, most of them were excellent student.. so, being part of the members, u really need to bring urself well.. this is what we call, persaingan secara sihat... i took it as a challenge..
what can i say is that, choose ur lecturer well,, bak kata mdm laila,,
"u nak lecturer yang sempoi tp xde input or u nak dgn yg expert dlm bidang tu? u choose!"
trus tersentap kjap n yup... pemilihan lecturer tu penting.. rapport pon penting.. the best part is u know ur lecturer well.. so, u know how to tackle them.. to be truth, most of the lecturer that i picked throughout this semester were expert in what they were teaching. n most of my friend dare not to choose them as their tutors coz they said "yg ni bnyk kerja la,, cerewet la,, garang la,, baek amek yg sempoi,, kje x bnyk.." mostly boys la.. girls pon ade jgk few.. nk dok ngan kroni je..haha.. ur choice, u face it.. behavior is a choice kan... pi lantak la org nk kata I am anak ikan lecturer tu la, anak kesayangan la, janji i got my A.. sbb ? tgk blk pengelasan kelas atas tu.. i want to be posted later.. if possible, i dun want to be interviewed for posting..
so, next sem,, i'm gonna do it again.. choose the best.. even if i am going to be the only guy in that class, i don't mind.. lg la special.. hehe.. kan....
so, my first paper will start next week.. best of luck to me ! and score lg 3 paper ni.. insyaallah.. anything can happen can..
gud luck to PISMP TESL 2011 !
and others too !
Thursday, May 2, 2013
its me..
its pointing at me..
it was mine.
right from the beginning.
n now,
i need to fix this.
Abah, I miss u.
you know its hard.
Monday, April 22, 2013
The One..
~A Song For A Crush~
notakaki: Another 1 week to back to my normal life.. school is hectic.. banyak cikgu2 bengong amek kesempatan.. i need moral support..
Sunday, April 14, 2013
haih.. rosak la...
kan dah ckp, dah x buat lg...
bile ckp dah x buat, mmg x buat. ok?
knpe nk anu mcm tu lg?
notakaki: maybe i need a new envi...btw, to Anizzah Alli, I know its hard to accept the fact.. but u know i'll be by urside during ur up and down.. pray hard ok.. ujian Dia semua tu..
Friday, April 12, 2013
Practicum Phase 1
flawless la sgt. thanx to camera 360 yg bijak menipu
Miss Jay, Miss Nadh, Miss Nurul
We !
Tiap kali balik skola, release tensyen by snap2 gambo
Second week for Practicum Phase 1 !
sorry x smpt nk update ape2..
gambo je la ey..
toooooooo bz.
later bile dah free2 ckt...
i'm gonna do essay panjang teruk punye!
hah ! awas ye anda2 di SK wangsa maju nih..
next week will be my last observation...
mohon kak yati behave n evaluate saya elok2 wokeyh?
kak razimah, ape2 hal, kite kawtim~ hehe...
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