Friday, November 12, 2010

12. 11. 10......

feel da freedom bebeh ~

ola2.. haha.. [ngek ngek ngek] *bunyik lap sawang! 
nmpk sgt la berhaok berabok kan blog nih...kui3.. pemalasnye tuan die ! ok2.. dat's not the point okeh... just wanna share something =a lot of things actually.... but ni je la time2 free nk picit2 keypad.... well,,it goes like this :

ExAm !

O Yeah ! haha... well,, at last,,habis gak exam aisy yup..urrggh.. penat kerah otak utk exam for 3 sem.. {kerah ke mslhnye?} haha... xde lah... skrg ni exam da abez,, so mcm2 bnde nk buat... i mean non-academic things... tp risau gak kalu tetibe .... 
"emm.. boley sye brckp nan Mr. Aisy Eizhar ? 
suka cita saya nk bgtau yg awak terpilih utk mengikuti program
Sayang IPBA Terlampau
untuk 2 mggu" 
aiyo~ ta mau weyh ! mntak selisih jaoh2..malu seyh nnti ... aisy ta mau repeat meyh ... terkentut-kentut nnti nk jwb repeat paper nnti.... so,,doa bnyk2 n tawakal je lah.. insyaallah sbb dah usaha kan.. wish me luck ! AMIN...... 

iJaZah SarJaNa MuDa PeRgURuAn!

ni sambungan yg atas nih... kalu aisy lepas this exam n excell,, i would be in degree program next year meyh ! yeay ! post-graduate dah aisy yup.. "da besar da anak abah ni" -tetibe.... 
so,just hope dat i still can continue my degree n x gelabah during degree program... ye lah,,ma language is week lorh ! so,,need to work hard lorh...
to my foundation primary 3.3...... i would like to say sorry if aisy ade wat kaw org terasa aty or click x besh ke.. haha.. ampun ya.. hopefully next year,ade la one or two from 3.3 in my class.. hehe.. gonna mish u all ! <3<3<3....

BaBy BAru !

haha.. si mama n ibu ni.... MAK BUYUNG !

o yeah.. pg td aisy dpt call... from one of ma sis.. die bgtau... yg Cigah a.k.a mak buyung yg belah kanan dah bersalin suboh2 td... kat hospital segamat.. aiyo.. Cigah is my 3rd sis.. alhamdulillah.. bertambah lg lah salasilah keluarga NORIS= Norhakimah + Idris..... ianya BABY BOY ! haha... yez,,ade geng nak gado ! haha.. and his name is Muhammad Harith Eiman... wat masa ni x dpt jmpe die lg... hehe.. x saba nk blk n peluk cium die meyh ! haha.. {siaplah achu kaw gomol kaw !} haha.. hopefully die comel n ensem cam Achu die a.k.a Aisy....huhu...
yang mak buyung belah kiri is ma first sista.... perot die dasyat kan ? haha.. diorg bedua ni rajen wat sukan ibu2 kot.. eg; lari dlm guni,,abseiling,flying fox n bungee jumping ! gila xtreme ! haha.... ma first sista ni pon dew date die dah dkt...pandai diorg plan kan ! HAHA... sng time cuti skola,,bley jage kembar dua org ni nnti... lg bbrpe ary jek.. ntah2 esok dah meletup..haha.. n dgr kata,,baby boy gak.. gaggaa.. EMPIRE semakin meluas ! kui3... die akan lahirkan anak kedua... n anak first die=kachak,cumel,bergaya mcm Aisy ! haha...

Achu die yg kachak...mungkin..                         haha,, ni Aqiel Haidar & adek die,, Qalisya Eizzara...
sin chan & himawari !

DanCe !

emm,, lately,,abs baru nak naek... haha.. *wat muke berangan bila ada six packs*.... time practice lately,,my abs sakit2.. diorg kata muscle nk tumboh... ape lg, sonyum melebor la ! haha... spe x mo bdn santeq kan ! haha.. emm,,,back to topic.... 20/21 ni kami ade show kat aswara... WOW ~ aswara tuh... bkn senang meyh dpt perform kat ctu ! tu da la tmpt professional.. so,,need to work hard on my steps.. tp my team,,,jgn kasi malu keyh ! kite wat kasi gempak.... slogan kali ni " u Go CIKGU !" haha... so,,sejak blok 8 da xley gune *atas sbb ...... urgh ! mls nk ingt!*... so,,kitorg practice kat studio kat aswara... besh ! ade cermin besau ! bley picit jerawat....ahah.... so,,wish me luck meyh !


cuti kali ni Aisy will be free from anything... so,, aisy plan nk buat part time job.... dah ricky2 dah kat "sir gum mart" ... ade sorg my prend yg terencat ni,, die suggest kje kat ade 1 cafe tu.. but.. x nk r kje kdai Hak Tui Kaw tuh... urgh.. x hadap ! kalu bley nk kje promoter ke... bley ngurat2...keh2... x ah,,nk exposure ckt my speaking development.. so,,sape2 bley suggest part time job,,do inform me keyh ! haha.. no fon= 017-tekan2 musim tengkujuh ! *tolong la,,x lwk langsung okeyh!* 

p/s: rindu nk wat photoshoot....(T__T)
secret : gonna do it on 19th ...hehe..
         be prepared...