Saturday, June 29, 2013


sometimes... i just don't understand... this boy was in a class and couldn't pick up a call.. then he text back the other party by asking what is wrong... she said 'nothing' where the boy knew that something is not right... then he called back.. and she didn't pick up... then he send a text with the word 'haih' there...after a few hours, she called back for just about 5 seconds.. that boy about to pick up and she hung up.. see that circled word? she interpret is differently... i kinda lost here.. did u girls just simply jump into conclusion ? what's wrong with that word? mmm...  i think i need to be more careful in my choice of words after this...


pEacEmaKer said...

my say as a girl... yup she interpreted it differently.. to be frank, your 'haih' sounds like you are annoyed....

it takes a mountain high of courage and thought before a girl decides to take the risk and text u first..

Aisy Ishvan said...

hey peacemaker...

haha.. yeah.. she did interpret it wrongly.... see how words can change people... after this, i'm gonna be extra careful when texting people..

and yah,, it has been a long time fyi..