Friday, July 13, 2012

I Am Single

Being single is a choice, 
some say it's to avoid heartbreaks
but some choose to be single because they're still in love with someone else.



Unknown said...

You're single? For real? hehe, kenapalah org yg good looking masih single? dunia ni tak adil kan? huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu................................

Aisy Ishvan said...

yup.. i am.. good looking ? kalu good looking msti da ade org nk da...

Unknown said...

Hahaha....saja nak amek hati je tu hahahaha *gurau je hehehe....

Semoga Eizhar mendapat jodoh yang kekal satu hari nanti hehe ;)

Aisy Ishvan said...

thanx azham... hehe.. u too...